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List Of Strong Research Paper Topics On Juvenile Delinquency

A research paper on juvenile delinquency allows you to approach the issue from several angles. These perspectives provide good ideas for topics on the issue. With a lot of studies in the area, it is advisable to avoid the common topics. Some of the topics are delicate because they border on upbringing and personal freedoms. You therefore need to make a responsive choice of topic. Here are some unique and original ones to base your research paper on.

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  1. The success of juvenile delinquency programs

  2. The sociology of juvenile delinquency

  3. Tackling juvenile delinquency from home

  4. Environmental factors reinforcing juvenile delinquency

  5. The role of the society in curbing juvenile delinquency

  6. Effective punishment for juvenile delinquency

  7. The effect of schooling on juvenile delinquency

  8. The conflict theory in juvenile delinquency

  9. Mental illness factors and juvenile delinquency

  10. Is there are relationship between learning disability and juvenile delinquency?

  11. Has substance abuse a role to play in juvenile delinquency?

  12. The philosophy of rebel without a course in juvenile delinquency

  13. The role of parenting in reinforcing or curbing juvenile delinquency

  14. Focus on the emotional needs of a child when dealing with juvenile delinquency

  15. Understanding female juvenile delinquency

There are many other topics you can think of regarding juvenile delinquency. A look at the main issues surrounding juvenile delinquency will help you come up with an exiting, original and strong research paper topic. These main issues are:-

  • Background- this is a study of the factors that lead a child to becoming delinquent. You will study economic conditions, circles of influence, parents and their parenting style, among others.

  • Family influence- issues like divorce, frequent quarrels, lack of emotional attachment, lack of discipline at home, etc and how they lead children into delinquency.

  • Legal framework- the laws that affect children delinquency and how they can be made more effective. Are the laws too strong or too lenient?

  • External influences- the influence of the media, video games and factors beyond the control of parents in driving children towards delinquency.

  • Remedies- this is an opportunity to propose solutions based on your diagnosis. The solution you suggest must be cross cutting. This means that it helps to solve the problem regardless of the cause.

You may modify the topics given to capture individual thoughts on juvenile delinquency. Your research paper should provide strong arguments and proceed to offer solutions that are practical. A strong topic will make the paper compelling to read.

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