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A Complete Guide To Writing A Research Paper About Cigarette Smoking

Cigarette smoking is a subject you can get lots of data about on the internet or from books, but that very fact can make you lose your focus and sidetrack easily. Try to systematize your work, and think only about the major aspects of the problem of smoking.


When you are writing about cigarette smoking, you need to inform first about the harm it causes to the human body, in medical terms. There are many articles in specialized medical magazines, but you can also learn a lot from ordinary people who have suffered from smoking related deceases. You can also contact your local medical institution, and talk to a professional who has treated people from smoking related illness, or you can explore the addictive side to the cigarettes, and try to find a professional who can explain why people smoke.


Think how the law is helping or discouraging tobacco consumption, and you can use your country as an example. Think about smoking in coffee shops and clubs, how it affects the consumption of cigarettes. Most people don’t realize how much less they have a need to smoke if tobacco is not in their sight. Many movies can’t feature people who smoke. Most countries make certain laws that discourage tobacco consumption, but some rules are really hard to implement and many countries struggle with that.

Social aspect

Smoking is something that people usually do in company, when they go out or when they are with friends. There is large number of people that are called the social smokers, which means that they don’t consummate tobacco at their home, just when they are out and about. It is important to stress in your research paper how dangerous it is to smoke, even if you are just an occasional smoker. There are many articles about the deadly effect even a single cigarette has on your body.


Cigarettes are in some countries very expensive, and oppose to that, in some they are cheaper than milk. If you want to think about strategies that will combat cigarette smoking, think about the economic side of the problem. Many people choose not to smoke because it is too expensive, or they quit for the same reason. In any case, it is a good way to lower the number of smokers, and increase taxes that will eventually fill the budget of a country.


The last thing you should think about is how accepted smoking is in your culture. In many countries, people who smoke don’t think that they have an addiction, or a problem, and they fail to quit before it is too late.

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